Tuesday, November 15, 2022
HomeBrandingThe True Objective Of Digital

The True Objective Of Digital

This video posted by Samuel Bendett received my consideration. It exhibits a drone made from sticks and some plastic propellers powered by a easy motor. Take a look.

Tyler Cowen additionally posted the video with a rhetorical query about whether or not the following warfare shall be fought with sticks and stones. I might ask the identical query about advertising and marketing.

In our enthusiasm over digital instruments and applied sciences, we have now persuaded ourselves that digital is an evolutionary step past analog. We have a good time or lament a future through which digital wholly displaces analog. We’ve got postulated that the endpoint of digital is the top of brick-and-mortar retail or of linear TV or of dwell occasions. We wring our arms that digital has weakened and shrunk analog interplay to the purpose of a public well being epidemic of loneliness and a political disaster of echo chambers.

All of that is rooted within the elementary and usually unspoken, even unrecognized, assumption that digital and analog can’t coexist. The rise of digital means the top of analog. It’s one or the opposite, and digital goes to take over.

After which we run throughout a video that exhibits an analog model of a contraption that’s usually used to represent the all-digital future to come back. Drone warfare. Drone deliveries. Drone surveillance. Drone knowledge assortment. Drone claims adjustment. Drone inspections. Drone movies and images. It’s a digital future delivered and conveyed by drones.

But, drones aren’t digital. What we see on this video is that drones are only a bunch of sticks tied along with a digital motor to make them go. It’s not digital as a substitute of analog. It’s digital making sticks fly not making digital sticks. It’s digital powering analog. It’s digital enhancing analog. It’s digital making analog higher.

We preserve misdescribing digital. We dwell within the analog world through which we have now digital applied sciences that make analog life simpler for us—extra handy, sooner, cheaper, extra dependable. However digital doesn’t displace analog. Nor do we would like that.

The lesson realized from the pandemic was how little we appreciated dwelling in a digitally immersed life-style. In my opinion, “the human” gained. Folks have at all times used instruments and applied sciences to make their actual lives higher. Digital is simply one other in an extended line of them. No person desires a digital life as a substitute of actual one. However everyone desires the ability of digital to make analog higher. The way forward for digital is an enhancement to actual life not a substitute.

Contributed to Branding Technique Insider By: Walker Smith, Chief Information Officer, Model & Advertising and marketing at Kantar

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